The High School PTC is committed to promoting, facilitating, and strengthening communications between parents, guardians, teachers and administrators in the high school. It provides resources and support to programs and events in order to enhance the learning environment for all high school students.
2023- 24 Officers
President - Sharon Azzam
Vice President - Kathy Lang
Secretary - Sara Buhl
Treasurer - Andrea Hertzendorf
Contact us: skaneateles.hs.ptc@gmail.com
All are welcome! Parents, guardians, teachers, the principal & staff work together to improve our Students' overall High School experience.
We provide funds and support to programs, events, and resources to enhance the learning environment for all High School Students. We run staff appreciation luncheons and help with many high school events and clubs
5 meetings per year at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Library.
- September Wednesday 9/27/23
- November Wednesday 11/8/23
- January Wednesday 1/10/24
- March Wednesday 3/13/24
- May Wednesday 5/14/24
Spirit Wear: https://skanlakersmerch.myshopify.com/
Undraiser: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=X3BAFVRFRCAJJ